Are you lacking the time to respond to reviews? Do you struggle to analyze and draw insights from customer feedback? Let our AI powered tools do the heavy lifting for you. They’re built for fast review management, in-depth analysis, and full user control. Here's a closer look at how we're using AI to build a better review solution.
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The user experience has always been a top priority here at Our goal is to provide the most advanced product on the market, driven by intelligent features. 

And now, thanks to the power of AI, we’re able to offer you enhanced functionality for smarter and more effective review management. All without sacrificing the authenticity and human touch that makes your brand unique.

Reply with AI: Respond to Reviews at Speed with the Help of AI Powered Prompts

How it works:

Reply with AI uses ChatGPT to generate review replies for you. With a single click, you’ll get unique, context specific content that addresses customer feedback effectively. 

These prompts are fully customizable. And they're never published without your consent. You retain full control and can review, edit, or replace content as needed to keep your tone of voice intact. 

What’s the benefit?

Reply with AI saves you time. With helpful suggestions on demand, you can respond quickly to customer reviews. In fact our data shows it leads to 10x faster response rates. 

If a review has a negative tone, Reply with AI stays objective. It helps you craft constructive replies to address concerns and improve customer relationships. And because you can tweak the content, you can make each response feel personal. 

As a result, customers receive quick and meaningful interactions, helping you boost trust and loyalty.

AI Assistant: Extract Meaningful Insights with Instant Review Analysis

How it works:

AI Assistant automates the process of review mining. This is where you analyze customer reviews to identify key trends and common sentiments.

It's a search bar that sits at the top of your dashboard. All you need to do is ask a specific question - like what’s damaging your online reputation, or what common pain points appear in customer reviews. AI Assistant then processes your data and delivers detailed answers in seconds.

If you’re stuck for ideas, you’ll find a list of pre-set questions. We've compiled these from our own research to help you get started with effective analysis.

What’s the benefit?

Review mining helps you understand your business and how to drive it forward. It tells you what your strengths and weaknesses are and highlights opportunities for improvement - all from the customer perspective.

But as a manual process, it’s incredibly labor-intensive.

AI powered review mining is transformative. With its rapid responses, AI Assistant helps you uncover key performance issues, pain points and recurring themes. It does this with incredible efficiency, giving you more time to act on your findings.

AI Insights: In-Depth Reports for Informed Decision Making

How it works:

AI Insights allows you to generate detailed reports from vast amounts of review data, all in a matter of seconds. You can generate these reports for a specific business area or a specific time period. So for example, you can deep dive into customer service metrics, or track performance across a seasonal campaign.

And that’s just the start. In each report you’ll also get:

Practical suggestions - improve operations, services and products with actionable recommendations based on customer feedback.

Relevant reviews for context - understand the customer experience in full with reviews that relate to the data.

Competitor analysis - benchmark your performance against competitors, based on sentiment found on the web.

What’s the benefit?

The best way to improve customer satisfaction is to make decisions based directly on their feedback. AI Insights provides you with data driven intelligence so you can do just that. 

And with the addition of competitor analysis, you can spot untapped opportunities to give yourself the edge.

Leverage AI at No Extra Cost

AI brings a lot of value to your review management strategy. From streamlined processes to actionable insights, it makes your business more efficient and responsive.

We want that value to be accessible to everyone. That’s why our AI tools are included in all our price plans. In fact Reply with AI is available for free to customers - try it out now.

We know AI is a controversial topic. But you can rest assured we’ll only ever apply it to enhance our product. And always with our customers' needs as a priority. 

Harness the potential of our AI tools at no cost with our free trial.

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2023 State of Reviews

Changes in Consumer Buying Behaviour

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