Please Note:
Account details may vary. The feature is now part of the subscription

Slack is a great tool for messaging and keeping teams in sync. Now you can have post messages directly into Slack to let you know about any new Company Reviews, Product Reviews, Local Reviews, Questions or Complaints, as they come in.

In order to enable this, you will need to generate a custom webhook integration on Slack which will provide you with a URL you can then enter in the Slack Notifications section found in the Dashboard. Look under Settings > Collection > Reviews Notifications.

If you're already familiar with Slack then this shouldn't take more than a minute. If you're not, don't worry we've made a quick video that shows you how to generate the required URL.

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Once you've created your webhook, chosen which Slack channel you'd like your review notifications to appear in, and inputted the URL into your dashboard, you'll see incoming reviews in Slack.

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