Why Should you Consider Best-of-Breed for your eCommerce Solution?

ChatGPT - or Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer - is the latest technology from AI research and deployment company, OpenAI.
In simple terms it’s a chatbot that’s been trained to respond to user prompts in a conversational way. Ask it a question or make a statement, and ChatGPT will engage in very human sounding open dialogue. It can answer queries, challenge assumptions, ask for more detail and talk articulately on pretty much any subject matter you can think of. Basically, it’s really clever.
As are our developers. They’ve built a powerful integration with OpenAI that applies ChatGPT as a review response tool - one that brings increased efficiency to review management and lets you focus your time on other areas of your business.
First up this is a free upgrade, available to all REVIEWS.io customers, at no additional cost. It’s already live and we’re getting some really positive feedback from early adopters.
Second, we’re not promoting this as a one stop solution for review management. We highly recommend responding to reviews both positive and negative (and we’ve published some review response templates to help you) but we don’t view AI as the perfect approach - more of a compliment to a manual strategy.
Third, it’s an evolving feature - one we’re continually updating to enhance its performance and respond to our customers needs. With all that in mind, here’s what we’ve rolled out so far.
Function 1: as you’d expect, our OpenAI integration allows you to use ChatGPT to auto-generate review replies. Note that this is entirely optional and no automated responses will be published without your say so. Try this and our range of AI features with our free trial.
For ChatGPT to generate a reply you’ll need to click a button. You can then read what it comes up with before you choose whether to publish it as it is, edit it, or replace it with your own response.
Function 2: our OpenAI integration also helps prevent profanity language and hate speech from appearing in review content.
We already have a process to identify such language, but sometimes words are only offensive when used in a certain context. OpenAI gives a much more robust solution for flagging problem content for moderation before it gets published.
A concern that’s been raised about ChatGPT auto-response is a lack of personalization in the review reply. In response to this we’re currently working to enhance the feature by adding a drop down menu for tone of voice - so you can select one aligned with your brand identity, or one appropriate to the nature of any particular review.
Function 3: Reply With AI. Another AI-driven feature update that we have rolled out in response to the success of the integration, as seen in our dashboard. Taking the pain out of writing review responses using our conditional logic on how to write review responses paired with ChatAPI.
Our goal is to enhance the review response process, not replace the human touch. That's why we've developed the 'Reply With AI' feature, available for free to all - and not exclusively to our customers - because we understand how important it is to respond to reviews for your brand image. The AI Reply tool saves time by providing a starting point for crafting review responses and ensuring efficient and accessible review response writing for everyone. Try it out today.
So if we’re not promoting this as a replacement for manual review management, why are we promoting it at all? Isn’t the whole point of automation to remove the burden of time consuming manual tasks? Well, yes and no.
Responding to reviews is incredibly important. It shows customers you value their opinion, are reactive to feedback, and take action to resolve issues. But it isn’t always easy. ChatGPT makes it easier by:
Reducing the time it takes - whether you publish its suggestions verbatim or tweak them, ChatGPT’s responses will, more often than not, be fit for purpose. It might not replace the manual process but it will certainly speed it up.
It gives you inspiration - we’re not all natural conversationalists. Sometimes it's hard to know what to say and how to say it, particularly in response to a negative review when you know your chosen words could make or break a lot of customer relationships. ChatGPT is your inspiration here.
It keeps things objective - it’s difficult not to take a negative review personally and it’s not uncommon for emotions to bleed into a response. ChatGPT doesn’t have this problem, helping you keep your replies objective and professional.
To reiterate - this is a free upgrade across all our price plans and is already live. As always, if you have any questions or need help setting it up just give us a shout.
And as mentioned, it’s an evolving feature still in its early days. We’re super keen to develop it based on what our customers think, so if you’ve tried it out and have any ideas for improvement we’d love to hear from you.