Please Note:
Account details may vary. The feature is now part of the subscription review widgets for Magento are quick to install, giving you an easy way to add product and company reviews to your Magento website.

To get started, first sign up for an account at You can choose whichever package suits you best. Our Small Business packages allows you to collect Company Reviews, while our Growing Business packages lets you add Product Review collection. Check our packages pages for more information on that.

Once you have an account, log in to your dashboard connect up your Magento acccount. supports Magento and Magento 2 with plugins available directly from the Magento store.

Which Review widgets can I use in Magento? has a range of widgets available. For Company Reviews, you can choose from a range of Badges which will display your overall review score. Generally, you'd put one of these on your home page to give your customers an idea of your online reputation at the main point of entry to your site. Here's an example of one of our Trust Badges. This ones includes your review score and it's updated regularly.

product review widget magento

Alternatively, you can expand with more information by adding a Carousel widget, which also displays recent reviews and comments. The content is dynamicaly updatd and you can choose how many reviews you show in the carousel. This is one of our most popular widgets. Again, the home page is a good place to put it.

product review widget magento

Most Magento sites are for eCommerce, so adding Product Reviews is probably your main goal. The Product Review widget reads information from your Product Catalogue, and matches up reviews written by your customers accordingly. You can place the same widget on each of your product pages and it will automatically include reviews for only the product featured on that page.

Product reviews are a really good way to increase landing page conversions from Google Shopping and Adwords. The review comments are a great source of unique information which helps your website visitors make informed decisions about the products you carry.

The more information you present your customers on your product pages, the more likely they are to purchase. If a potential customer sees that the product works for someone else, they'll be more likely to purchase rather than leaving your site to look elsewhere for the answer to their question.

Questions and Answers

In addition to the Product Reviews widget, you can also integrate the Questions and Answers widget to your product pages. This allows your customers to ask questions about your products which you will be notified of and can answer. It's not a public answer system like Amazon, so it won't attract spammy user-generated responses.

Because your staff have control over the answers given, you can provide customers with information they need while at the same time growing a reputation for being experts on the products you sell.

product review widget magento

Further reading

The Benefits of Collecting Product Reviews

How To Collect Product Reviews On Your Shopify Store

10 Ways To Fail At Google Shopping

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