Understand the customer journey - the resounding message from this week's eCommerce Rocketship, where Callum chats to James Ogilvie the Co-founder of The Social Co to get his take on how eCommerce brands can up their social game.
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Talk to the right customer and profits will fall into place, whereas if you do go straight for the revenue you will run bad adverts and make bad decisions.

James Ogilvie
Co-founder of The Social Co

The Social Co

James and the team at The Social Co are results driven marketing experts with an impressive client roster. In this 25 minute Q&A, James covers everything from retargeting advice to the evolution of social commerce, and above all, the importance of aspirational content.

Key highlights:

00:00- 05:30 - Introduction to The Social Co

The Social Co is handling the pandemic according to the projects that are going on, have a full production to shoot footage for social media clients. Ecommerce as a whole had a huge uplift during this pandemic of around 25% especially fitness brands. Clients are looked after never rushed, lengthy process depending on the clients team, and the paid side deteriorates relationships even with faster set up.

05:30- 14:50 - Social media trends and paid advertising with clients

Ad frequency has increased for those that are not getting enough clicks depending on the company's budget and time. Retargeting through ads is important to get customers attention by understanding engaging with the right customers in the right way and time. ATM outdoor being a client, The Social Co did a huge competition for them, from landscaping business to ecommerce shop where followers went from around 3,000 to 166,000 within 3 to 4 days.

14:50 -22:20 -  Social ecommerce and campaigns

Making socials part of ecommerce is a huge change that takes a lot of time to incorporate and has to be done right. Campaigns aren't all about revenue, it's about content e.g. click through rate, engagement and talking to the right customer will make the profit fall into place. The Social Co, believe influencers are a hard marketing sector, whereas understanding the audience more is most important.

22:20 -30:58 - Social media platform

Facebook blueprint is a great platform to look at and understand, Facebook is the biggest growing social media platform in terms of data and advertising. Social media platforms used according to segmentation and the audience, first time/ new buyers use Instagram and those selling on old products use Facebook.

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