As with any online space that facilitates the collection of customer feedback, negative Facebook reviews can occasionally happen. And when they do, you'll want to know how to deal with them fast to resolve problems and preserve your online reputation. Today we're showing you how to remove reviews on Facebook so you're always prepared, no matter what your customers throw at you!
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See how brands use to manage negative feedback

Once just used as a platform to connect with friends, Facebook has grown over the years to offer many additional services and benefits to businesses. One of these being, reviews (also known as Facebook Recommendations). Facebook reviews are found on Business Pages and can be collected by everyone from Ford to your little bakery down the road.

Whilst there are many benefits of collecting reviews on Facebook, unlike when using a Licensed Review Partner such as, reviews are not verified and can be left by anyone. This does put companies at some risk of receiving fraudulent feedback. Which begs the question:

Can you delete Facebook Reviews?

Unfortunately, the answer is NO, you can't remove Facebook Reviews.

As with reviews on Google and other platforms, individual, legitimate reviews - however malicious - cannot be removed. This is all part of the online trust Facebook aims to provide with its review system - if businesses could tamper with their reviews, they could no longer be trusted as a reliable source of information.

However, all is not lost - whilst not perfect, there are other solutions. We've got two ways to remove Facebook reviews to help you out when disaster strikes.

How to report a fake Facebook Review?

If you're happy to wait a while for your issue to be resolved, consider flagging your Facebook review. In order to do this, the review will need to go against Facebook's Community Standards.

Facebook's Community Standards cover things such as:

  • Hate speech
  • Misrepresentation
  • Bullying
  • Cruelness & insensitivity

Although these are broad review guidelines, if someone is overly offensive or seems ingenuine when leaving your business a Facebook Recommendation, it may warrant removal.

Now, let us first show you some red flags of fake and offensive reviews so that you can take advantage of the reporting guidelines to mark them as spam.

How can you spot fake reviews on Facebook? 

Here are several telltale signs that can help you distinguish genuine feedback from fraudulent or offensive reviews.

  • The reviewer's profile. Fake reviewers often have incomplete profiles, with few friends, generic profile pictures, and limited activity.
  • The language used in the review. Fake reviews often contain overly generic or nonsense words and lack specific details about the product or service.
  • Consistency across multiple reviews. They are likely fabricated if you notice multiple reviews posted in a short time frame with similar wording or structure.
Fake facebook review
As you can see, the review left here is uninformative and misplaced. It tells nothing about the page and could be considered as spam.

So how do you report a recommendation or review about a business Page on Facebook?

Reporting a Facebook Recommendation is easy. All you need to do is:

Step 1: Click Reviews below the Page cover photo.

navigation menu of facebook page

Step 2: Click on the three dots to the top right of the review, then select 'Report post.'

where to report a facebook review

You will then see a pop-up window. Select the most appropriate description from the list, then press send.

reasons to report facebook reviews as spam

Step 3 (Last step): Wait patiently and cross your fingers.

If Facebook finds the review to go against its Community Standards, it will be removed and there will be no record of it on your page.

In the meantime, we'd encourage you to respond to negative reviews in the most professional way possible to show other customers you're being proactive and help save face.

How to turn off Facebook Reviews?

The second option you have for getting rid of your Facebook reviews is more extreme. Whilst you can't manually delete individual Facebook reviews, you can remove them all from your page.It's important to remember that this won't wipe the slate clean - it simply means reviews will no longer be shown on your business page, and will also inhibit anyone from leaving you feedback in the future, whether good or bad.

Sound a bit extreme, doesn't it? That's why many think of hiding Facebook reviews instead of turning them off completely

Can you hide reviews on Facebook instead of removing them?

Again the answer is NO.

You can hide many other sections, such as Check-ins, Music, Sports, etc., but Reviews, together with About, Photos, and Videos, are fixed in the Navigation bar (unless you turn it off).

When navigating to the More dropdown in the Page menu bar and choosing Manage Section (you need to be a page admin or page collaborator to see this), you'll see that you can't uncheck Reviews in the list.

reviews is a fixed element on facebook page

How to get rid of all your Facebook reviews?

This time, the process is even simpler and requires no input from Facebook at all. To delete your Facebook reviews in one clean sweep:

Step 1: Navigate to your business page and ensure you're logged in as the page.

Step 2: Click on the three dots at the top-left of the page.

remove facebook reviews

Step 3: Select ‘Page and tagging settings’.

how to remove facebook reviews

Step 4: You'll land on a new page where you can find an ON/OFF toggle next to Allow others to view and leave reviews on your Page?. Switch it off to remove the Reviews section on your Facebook page.

turn off facebook reviews

Bonus Solution: Diffuse the situation & win the customer over

Our third and final solution for getting rid of Facebook reviews won't necessarily always work, nor is it guaranteed to remove a negative review, however, we think it's worth a punt as it has plenty of other benefits.

The solution is simple: win your disgruntled reviewer over so much, that they want to change their review. This is easier than it sounds - most customers don't want to leave a bad review, they want good products, good service and a good experience. They want to give positive feedback! So when they don't, chances are, you messed up.

To put things right, it's essential to respond to positive and negative reviews professionally and empathetically - even if you don't agree with their comment. Apologise, explain why the problem happened and, if possible, provide a solution. It's the strength of your solution that's likely to win them back around.

How to Manage Reviews Online?

Effective online review management helps online businesses not only maintain a strong reputation but also foster online trust. Some practical tips you can apply today to achieve this are:

  • Actively solicit reviews from your satisfied customers. Sending follow-up emails after a purchase, including a review request in your newsletters, or offering incentives for leaving a review are excellent practices to increase your number of reviews. The more reviews you collect, the more credible your business appears to potential customers

  • Respond to positive reviews. When customers leave positive feedback, take the time to thank them. Acknowledging their comments shows that you value their input and appreciate their business. Personalize your responses to make customers feel special and build a stronger connection.

  • Respond promptly and courteously to negative reviews. Acknowledge the customer's concerns and offer a solution or apology. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and can be a nudge to ask the customer to edit or delete their negative feedback on Facebook.

  • Use online reputation management tools.Tools like can streamline the process of managing online reviews. helps collect and verify reviews and provides features to showcase them on your website. This boosts credibility and can positively influence potential customers.

In Summary

As with deleting reviews off any platform, the goal should really be prevention not cure. Prevent negative feedback, and you'll never need to know how to remove Facebook Reviews!

If negative reviews do occur, consider your options, consider the resources available to you, breathe, and make an informed and strategic choice that focusses on long-term success, not short-term reputation.

Still unsure about how to remove Facebook reviews? Head over to our website or jump on live chat with one of our advisors. Try our platform for free with out 14-day t

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