Display Product Ratings & Review Nuggets in Shopify Checkout with our latest feature.
Please Note:
Account details may vary. The feature is now part of the subscription

Our latest feature enables merchants using Shopify Plus to display product review ratings and review snippets within the checkout section, providing valuable social proof to customers at a critical stage of the buying process.

This means that when a customer navigates to the Shopify checkout page after adding an item to their cart, they will see the product's star rating and review snippets, helping them make an informed decision. Please note that this feature is exclusive to Shopify Plus customers.

What are Review Nuggets? 

Our latest widget allows customers to create review snippets that capture the most valuable information within a review and display it next to the buy button. This feature, known as "Review Nuggets," is now available on Shopify's checkout page.

By displaying review nuggets on the checkout page, merchants can provide customers with the social proof they need to make informed purchase decisions, ultimately reducing cart abandonment and increasing conversions.

REVIEWS.io's latest feature has been created to help merchants increase their conversion rates by displaying trust indicators: review nuggets and product ratings when the customer needs convincing the most. If you are interested in our platform, sign up to REVIEWS.io today for a free trial.

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2023 State of Reviews

Changes in Consumer Buying Behaviour

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