A picture speaks a thousand words. In this case, why not both? Alongside reviews customers can include their very own review photos to add authenticity and trust for your brand. Take a bow, photo reviews.
We live in a society who loves to take pictures. Pictures of our face, pictures of our food, pictures of our pets, pictures of our picture taking devices. It's fair to say we're photo mad. Through this madness we actually manage to create total authenticity of what we are documenting, which businesses are using to their advantage. Or should be.
Here's the question: Which are you more likely to buy?
"The chicken, spinach and avocado panini was lovely, not too much for lunch, and my coke was nice and cold. The chocolate milkshake could've been bigger! Overall, my friends and I loved it, will definitely be eating here again." - Sarah
"The chicken, spinach and avocado panini was lovely, not too much for lunch, and my coke was nice and cold. The chocolate milkshake could've been bigger! Overall, my friends and I loved it, will definitely be eating here again." - Sarah
My first review of the food being lovely, my friends enjoying it, and the fact I will return to this cafe again is a great testimony which others will assess, and probably make an informed positive judgement.
But by adding a picture, people get a richer insight into my review. I state that its a perfect size for lunch, anyone can now visibly judge whether it'd be appropriate for them. The food quality can be assessed, in the picture we can see the spinach looks fresh. I said I went with friends, maybe they did come but didn't necessarily order, yet in the picture 3 meals can be seen thus lending more credit to my review.
By adding user generated photos to reviews, potential customers are provided with great visual evidence which strengthens future custom.
It seems fairly simple to state that something without a picture would have less favourable attitudes compared to that with a picture, but why is this?
Imagery plays an important role in information processing and offers us a positive sensory and emotional experience. If a relevant image is paired with information, people retained 65% of the information three days later. Therefore, a review combined with a photo allows for deeper processing of the information provided, with visual cues facilitating a more systematic form of processing, helping us create more informed decisions.
In line with this, according to Coary and Poor's study, Instagram photos of individuals food from a restaurant created a delay in consumption due to a savouring effect, which then increased attitudes upon consumption. In essence, people saw user generated photos, had a good think about how great it looked, and enjoyed their experience when they went to try it themselves.
Everything considered, what's not to love? Our very own Reviews.io customer Appleyard Flowers incorporates review photos alongside their reviews on their company profile. As such, they have some stunning user generated content, emphasising the beauty of the products they offer and the shared customer satisfaction.
Review photos really are magic and add such authenticity to your brand. Reviews.io offers the option for customers to post their very own pictures of the experience or product alongside their reviews, either through the mobile app, or via their desktop. These review photos can be displayed on your company page on our site, or, can be added directly to your website as a widget for all your loyal customers to lavish in. User generated photos increase trust and credibility of your brand through intricate information processing, keeping everybody happy!
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