Has a company really impressed you recently? Whether it was a Customer Service Representative that went above and beyond or uniquely designed, high-quality products that made your friend's birthday extra special, you should leave them some feedback. Receiving thanks means more to businesses than you realise and helps prospective customers make informed decisions too.
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Account details may vary. The feature is now part of the subscription

Best of all? Leaving a review on REVIEWS.io is super easy. There's no need to login, or provide us with any personal data - all we need is your email address so we can verify your review.

How To Write A Review On REVIEWS.io

  1. See that big search bar on our homepage? Start typing the company you'd like to review in there and it'll bring up a list of possible matches. If you see the company you're after, click on it, if not, keep typing until it's shown, then click on the company name.What if the company I'm looking for isn't listed?

If the company you'd like to review doesn't appear in the search results, chances are no one has left a review for that business yet. But don't worry, that doesn't mean you can't - read down further to find out how.

  1. You'll now be shown the Company Collection Page. In this example, it's Wave Sups. Your review begins with a simple star rating. The number of stars you give the business will contribute to the business' overall star-rating, so think carefully. Underneath this, you'll be asked to expand on your star rating. You can include whatever you'd like here, (providing it adheres to our guidelines) but we recommend covering things such as price, customer service and delivery times. Still unsure? We've got a guide on how to write a good review. This is followed by an option to add your own photo/video, then you'll be asked to leave your name and email address.



  1. Once you're happy with your review form, click 'Submit Review'.
  2. That's it! On the next screen, your review completion will be confirmed and you'll be asked to verify your review.

How to verify your review

Why do you need to verify my review?

REVIEWS.io is a Google Licensed Review Partner - this means our reviews are considered authentic by Google. In order to make them authentic and reliable, we need to verify them with a proof of purchase. Verification also shows your review can be trusted by other customers.

  1. To verify your review by email, ignore the message on screen and head to your inbox.
  2. The verification email you receive will look like this. Hit the 'VERIFY MY REVIEW' button to continue.
  1. You'll now be taken to a new webpage and asked to enter some information which will enable us to verify your review.

You can choose to enter your Order ID, Receipt Number, Account Number or Delivery Date. Alternatively, you can copy and paste a review request received by email from the company you are reviewing. Once entered, click 'SUBMIT'.

  1. Your review will appear almost immediately on the Company's Collection Page. Once we've been able to verify it, a verification label will appear alongside your review.

How to leave a review for a company that isn't listed on Reviews.io

  1. We don't know about the company you want to review yet, which means you'll have to help us a bit. Enter the business' name in the search bar then hit enter or click 'SEARCH'.

You'll may be shown a list of possible matches, but to make a new listing, click on 'I want to write a review...' at the top of the page.

  1. You'll now be taken to the review form. Here, you need to enter the URL of the business you'd like to review so we can create a new profile for that company. A Company Collection Page only has to be created once, so now other people will be able to find it, read your review, and leave their own.
  2. Begin your review by providing a simple star rating. The number of stars you give the business will contribute to the business' overall star-rating, so think carefully. Underneath this, you'll be asked to expand on your star rating. You can include whatever you'd like here, but we recommend covering things such as price, customer service and delivery times. You'll also be asked to leave your name and email address.
  3. Once you're happy with your review form, click 'SUBMIT'.
  4. You'll now be presented with a confirmation page and asked to verify your review.

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