Customer feedback brings a lot of value to your business. It gives you direct insight into the experiences of your customer base, which can be used to make informed decisions, improve satisfaction, and drive long-term loyalty. Post-review surveys are the latest addition to our suite of customer feedback tools. Here’s how to use them effectively for better business performance. 
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If you want to succeed in the eCommerce landscape, it’s important to put the customer first. You need to understand their expectations, and align your products, services, and CX strategies to match. 

This customer-centric approach can lead to a healthier bottom line. In fact, research shows customer-centric companies to be 60% more profitable than those that are not. 

Customer surveys have a key role to play here. Used by 80% of companies that achieve year-on-year growth, surveys give you detailed insight into the customer experience. They can tell you what customers love, and where they see room for improvement.

What post-review surveys offer is a key touchpoint for collecting richer, more comprehensive insights and feedback.

What is a Post Review Customer Survey?

A post-review customer survey is a short questionnaire that pops up immediately after a customer submits a review. Fully customizable, it allows you to gather more structured and detailed feedback than a review on its own would typically offer.

What you ask in a post-review survey is entirely up to you. You can focus on certain areas of service, the quality of your products, or the preferences of your market.

And you can collect both qualitative and quantitative data through a range of question types:

  • Multiple choice
  • Yes/No
  • Numerical scales
  • Open-ended questions
  • Rating options (stars and emojis)
  • Conditional questions

This flexibility allows you to build surveys that capture very specific insights, whatever your business goals might be.  

Using, you can easily integrate post-review surveys into your review collection process. Just design your questionnaire with our user friendly survey builder, then add it to your Review Collector. Additionally, our platform provides tools on how to analyze survey data, helping you make sense of the feedback you collect.

This seamless fit with your existing workflow ensures you gather valuable feedback without disrupting the customer experience.

Why Use Post Review Customer Surveys? Key Benefits for Your Business

Understand How to Improve Products and Services

Post-review surveys give you immediate, actionable insights into how to improve your business. While reviews on their own give you a broad view, they can sometimes lack detail. By following up with specific questions, you can:

  • Spot common pain points: Pinpoint exactly what aspects of your products or services need a tweak.
  • Get detailed feedback: Gather more in-depth information on customer experiences, preferences, and suggestions.
  • Set priorities: Figure out which areas to focus on first based on the feedback you get.
  • Know your customers better: Understand what your customers value, so you can tailor your offerings to meet their needs.

With insightful data in hand, you can make data-driven decisions. Decisions that result in a better experience for your customers and a stronger reputation for your brand.

Deal with Negative Reviews More Effectively

There are ways to handle negative feedback that can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one. Whatever the issue, it should be dealt with quickly, and with a sound understanding of the problem.

A post-review survey can be a big advantage here. It helps you get to the heart of a customer's dissatisfaction with specific details on their experience. 

That means you can find the most effective resolutions, and show customers you take their concerns seriously. It's a proactive approach that can transform negative experiences into positive outcomes. This will enhance customer loyalty and trust in your brand.

Gather More Data for Customer Segmentation

Post-review surveys allow you to collect zero-party data that you can use for customer segmentation. 

If you’re strategic with your questions, you can gain very specific insights. Like customer preferences, behaviors, and demographics. You can then use this data to create targeted customer segments.

This enables you to tailor your communications to different customer groups. It helps you improve the relevance and effectiveness of your campaigns, driving better engagement and conversions.

Measure Customer Satisfaction Over Time 

By regularly using post-review surveys, you can track customer satisfaction levels over time. A continuous feedback loop provides a clear picture of how your improvements are being received. 

Measuring customer satisfaction this way helps you to understand trends, recognize long-term issues, and ensure your efforts to enhance customer experience are successful.

How to Create an Effective Post-Review Survey

Have a Clear Goal in Mind

Before creating your post-review survey, define the specific objective you want to achieve. 

That might be improving a product, enhancing customer service, or understanding customer preferences. Whatever it is, a clear goal will help you design focused and relevant questions. 

This targeted approach ensures that the feedback you collect is useful and actionable.

Keep it Short and Simple

To maximize response rates, keep your survey short and straightforward. Customers are more likely to complete a survey that takes only a few minutes of their time. 

Focus on essential questions that will provide the insights you need. And avoid overwhelming respondents with too many or overly complex questions. 

A concise survey respects your customers' time while still gathering valuable information.

Offer Incentives for Feedback

Encourage participation by offering incentives for completing the survey. This shows customers that you value their time and feedback, increasing the likelihood of higher response rates.

You can use the integration with to offer survey incentives as part of a wider loyalty program. Points can be weighted based on the length of the survey - so the more questions, the higher the reward. 

This approach not only boosts survey participation. It also strengthens customer loyalty by integrating feedback into your rewards system, encourages ongoing engagement and enhances your overall customer feedback strategy.

Use Conditional Questions

Incorporate conditional questions to make your survey more dynamic and relevant. Conditional questions allow you to tailor follow-up questions based on previous answers. This makes the survey experience more personalized and efficient. 

It also ensures that customers only see questions that are pertinent to their specific experiences. In turn, this will improve the quality and relevance of the feedback you receive.

Enhance Your Customer Feedback Strategy with 

Incorporating post-review customer surveys into your feedback strategy ensures you’re consistently gathering valuable data that can drive significant business improvements. 

Whether it's refining your products, addressing customer concerns, or enhancing your marketing efforts, these surveys provide the insights needed to succeed in the competitive eCommerce landscape.

Learn more about creating custom surveys in our surveys support article.

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2023 State of Reviews

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