Introducing Competitor Analysis; review data gold dust to set you head and shoulders above your competition.
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Account details may vary. The feature is now part of the subscription are excited to announce our cutting-edge feature, Competitor Analysis, giving you up-to-date industry-specific insights to keep your business ahead of the curve.

What is Competitor Analysis?

Ever felt like you're playing catch up? Or are you struggling to capture a certain audience? Whatever your goals, we all like to blaze a trail. Competitor Analysis allows you to benchmark your business and stay one step ahead, to please your customers at every touch point.

Leverage all your competitors' customer feedback and data with Competitor Analysis, to reinforce your own brand, draw their audience to your business, and give them the experience they're looking for.

How does it work?

Within Competitor Analysis, add your business alongside 2 competitors, or up to 3 competitors alone. You'll see yours and your rivals' average ratings alongside your overall review total, enabling instant visual bench-marking to see where your business sits alongside the competition.

Determine whether you're ahead or on par, and maintain your current strategy; or if you're falling behind your competitors, assess customer insights and appraise your service, or optimise invitations to boost your reviews.

Within Competitor Analysis, you'll also have access to review totals and ratings for each competitor across review platforms and local review sites. Determine where you're leading, where you need to bolster your reviews, and potentially any sites you're lacking. Review coverage across the web is vital in order to create a consistent reputation.

Shoppers will look for your reviews anywhere they see fit, therefore poor or unsubstantiated ratings alongside better competitor ratings is detrimental to your reputation. With's Local Reviews solution, collect reviews across sites that matter to your business, populating those platforms with genuine feedback, creating a uniform review presence online.

With NPS comparison inside Competitor Analysis, conclude which competitors are going above and beyond, and find areas they're excelling to delight their customers. Pinpoint those with the largest detractors, turning them into your advocates by giving them an experience they should've received from the get-go.

Track how much you and your competitors are spending on Google Ads to assess whether you should smarten your ad spend, as well as view monthly organic traffic. To increase your visibility and drive more traffic, utilise the accompanying popular keywords and optimise certain pages on your site.

You can do this by keeping your site pages relevant and fresh - which dynamically added reviews do - but also consider including rich result-friendly widgets, to see your review stars in the listings and improve organic traffic.

Finally, keep ahead of the curve by discovering all the technology your competitors use to make their website look nice, run smoothly, and create a streamlined buyer journey, as well as how much they spend each month to make this possible.

Competitor Analysis additions

Although Competitor Analysis is already full of valuable insight, we're looking to maximise the data use to offer more in the future.

Potential additions include mapping, enabling you to see yours and your competitors ratings over the course of the year. This facilitates the discovery of strengths and weaknesses over the 4 quarters - or within a smaller specified window - to reinforce your business strategy for the upcoming months or year. This also allows you to forecast competitor ratings, highlighting any predicted changes to make sure nothing falls under the radar.

New additions or not, fully-utilise Competitor Analysis as you see fit, because if you're not, you're giving your competitors the upper hand.

What Our Competitor Analysis includes?

Our Competitor Analysis feature is all about providing you an absolute overview of what yours and your competitors customers think and feel, putting you in a superior position with a competitive advantage.

Keep your finger on the pulse with Competitor Analysis, and become a leader within your field.

To use Competitor Analysis, login to your dashboard and navigate to Reporting >> Advanced Features >> Competitor Analysis. Type and select competitors individually within the field, to display their data and statistics.

For more information on feature sets and solutions, visit the website, or alternatively talk to a member of the team today.

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